Welcome to MANZ

Massage Aotearoa New Zealand (MANZ) is the only massage therapy specific membership body in New Zealand for professional Massage Therapists. Our purpose is to promote massage therapy and the ongoing development of the massage industry in New Zealand through educating the public about the benefits of massage therapy for health and wellness and supporting the public to access high quality massage therapy through our database of MANZ registered Massage Therapists. 


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Benefits of choosing a MANZ therapist

COVID-19 Omicron Phase 3

Kia ora koutou,

How are you going out there? We understand that with case numbers on the rise especially in the Auckland region, that you may be experiencing further disruptions at home and at work.

Three fortnightly COVID-19 Support Payments (CSP) will be available for businesses which have experienced a 40% or more drop in revenue - ensure you get the support you need.

We ask you to please remain vigilant with your COVID-19 health and hygiene policies at work:

  • continue to wear masks (therapist and client)
  • pre-screen your clients before entry to the clinic and re-screen on arrival
  • clients to sign into the business using the QR code

COVID-19 Omicron Phase 3 - you should only get a COVID-19 test if you have symptoms, or you are a Household Contact (you live with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19).

You will need to:

  • self-isolate from the day the person with COVID-19 tests positive or is notified as a probable case until they complete their 10 days of isolation
  • get a test on day 3 and day 10 of the isolation period, or sooner if you develop symptoms

If you are a Household Contact and you test positive, you will need to isolate for 10 days. RATs (Rapid Antigen Tests) are now being used for testing so you should get an instant result. Only Critical Workers who are Household Contacts, are vaccinated and asymptomatic will be able to use RATs to return to work. Massage therapists are not considered critical workers.

RATs should be available for the public to purchase from certain suppliers including supermarkets from early March. If you are not a household contact, are vaccinated and asymptomatic then you may want to consider using your own RATs daily at home as an extra precaution before working with clients.

If you need any support from MNZ then please get in touch and we will do our best to obtain the right information and support for you. Email: admin@massagenewzealand.org.nz

Nga mihi nui,

MNZ Executive Committee

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Benefits of choosing a MANZ therapist

hot stone massage therapy

Become a Massage Therapist

Where and how to start a career in massage therapy

Baby Massage Therapy


Turning a qualification into a career, support and new grad info

foot massage therapy

Join MNZ

Benefits of being a member, costs and process, frequently asked questions.

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