Welcome to MANZ

Massage Aotearoa New Zealand (MANZ) is the only massage therapy specific membership body in New Zealand for professional Massage Therapists. Our purpose is to promote massage therapy and the ongoing development of the massage industry in New Zealand through educating the public about the benefits of massage therapy for health and wellness and supporting the public to access high quality massage therapy through our database of MANZ registered Massage Therapists. 


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Benefits of choosing a MANZ therapist

Find a Massage Therapist

  • If you are looking for a therapist in a particular region, select a region from the list
  • If you are looking for a particular therapy, select the therapy from the list and click FIND
  • Or search by keyword by entering the keyword/s and click FIND.



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Benefits of choosing a MANZ therapist

Find a Therapist:



or Keyword: Eg. Name or Suburb or City

Benefits of choosing a MANZ therapist

hot stone massage therapy

Become a Massage Therapist

Where and how to start a career in massage therapy

About Massage Therapy

What is massage therapy, the evidence of practice, FAQs

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