President's Message to Members
9 June 2020
Hey Team,
Alert level one has been announced and is effective as of Tuesday 9 June 2020.
Please see the correspondence sent through from Martin Chadwick, Ministry of Health (MoH) appointed Chief Allied Health Professions Officer. Click on letter below:
Letter RE: Moving to Alert Level 1 for community allied health, scientific and technical providers
The process to get here is something never experienced before and something not likely to be forgotten. As massage therapists, we should be adhering to strict hygiene processes regardless of pandemic status. Take the initiative and apply all that was taught in our formal training, in every instance of massaging.
If hygiene and infection prevention feels like a weak spot in our repertoire, seek further guidance/training. A regular refresher in an area so vital to our profession is definitely worth staying current in!
Screening processes should stay at a high level, and we should continue to be working on symptom free clients. There is such a range of skill and ability within our profession. Let's work to our own scope of practice and promote what we are proficient in.
This has been a very challenging effort. Let's keep contributing to the current success New Zealand has achieved to date.
For those of you that have been waiting to return to work at level 1, welcome back. It may seem daunting, so please tap into the wealth of knowledge and learning gained from those that have already tested processes leading up to this point.
Additionally, we need awareness of how our words/actions/behaviours affect others, and whether we are being professional. As members of MNZ we have agreed to abide by a code of ethics and standards of practice, conscious effort is required to honour these.
Please, let's all still remain calm, kind and patient......... there is still so much to work through, even though it looks a whole lot better than it did at the end of March 2020.
Long may safer times last!
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