Welcome to MANZ

Massage Aotearoa New Zealand (MANZ) is the only massage therapy specific membership body in New Zealand for professional Massage Therapists. Our purpose is to promote massage therapy and the ongoing development of the massage industry in New Zealand through educating the public about the benefits of massage therapy for health and wellness and supporting the public to access high quality massage therapy through our database of MANZ registered Massage Therapists. 


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Benefits of choosing a MANZ therapist

Calling all articles and advertising bookings for the MNZ Magazine.

The focus for this issue is Treating the Whole Person - a person-centred approach to massage therapy

This issue will cover a range of related topics specific to MNZ and the massage therapy industry here in New Zealand.

Deadline for articles and advertisement bookings: 1st June 2023. We ideally would benefit from having a new Co-Editor available by this date to be able to go through onboarding and shadow our expert team Odette Wood and Rachel Ah Kit through the proofing through to publication process. Check the role description on the MNZ website, via Jobs and get in contact if you want to discuss your interest.

For this upcoming issue we are still wanting content on these areas:

  • Writing about a business-related topic in our "Business Matters" column
  • Are you a massage therapy student or new graduate and keen to be in our "Spotlight on Students & New Grads" column? This can be a great way of connecting with other members across the country, engage in some self-publicity and it is also a fantastic way to promote the benefits of doing formal training in massage therapy and what it can lead to. Contact the editors to request the profile template document.
  • Have you changed location or set up a new practice - tell us about it in the "Who's Where" section. Please send information with a picture of your premises.
  • Have you read a really good book on a massage therapy or some other relevant health-related topic, found a new information resource or tool, or been on an excellent evidence-based course which you would like to share with others by writing something for the "Reviews" sections?
  • Have you used a really great product recently and would like to tell others about it in our "Product Review" section?
  • Events or local group meetings: Have you got an event or a local group meeting coming up which our members might be interested in? Let the MNZ Executive Administrator know.

Article Guidelines

  • Requirements: please refer to our article guidelines. NB: Except for opinion-pieces and reviews, articles must be well supported with evidence including references.
  • Style: Academic style of writing where relevant (except opinion pieces and reviews) and include references in APA 6 or 7 format or Vancouver numbered format.
  • Word count:
  • Feature articles 1000--2000 words
  • Standard articles 250-1000 words (e.g., opinion pieces)
  • Style: Academic style of writing where relevant (except opinion pieces and reviews) and include references in APA format (6th or 7th edition).
  • Font: Arial 12 point
  • Images: if using these, they need to be high quality images, at least 1MB in size, in jpg or gif format.
  • Format: Word document
  • Indents: One tab to set indents and no double spacing after full stops


Article contributions, profiles and reports must be sent via email as a Word document file Please do not send your article in the body of an email and do not use Google Docs to send to us.

Accompanying images must be attached as separate files (jpg or gif).

Please do not embed images in the article. Instead, include a place marker in the body of your document to indicate where each image should be inserted e.g. INSERT IMAGE 1 HERE

Download Full MNZ Magazine Guidelines for Article Contributors

To submit an article, contact: magazine@massagenewzealand.org.nz


To book a one-off advert or a package of adverts, go HERE to book online. For more information, contact: advertise@massagenewzealand.org.nz

Find a Therapist:



or Keyword: Eg. Name or Suburb or City

Benefits of choosing a MANZ therapist

Baby Massage Therapy


Turning a qualification into a career, support and new grad info

hot stone massage therapy

Become a Massage Therapist

Where and how to start a career in massage therapy

foot massage therapy

Join MNZ

Benefits of being a member, costs and process, frequently asked questions.

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